sewing machines
Revocation instruction
25 CB bobbins + bobbin box for all household sewing machines
Empty box for 25 spools
10 CB Spulen für BERNINA Nähmaschinen wie Activa,Virtuosa,B 550 QE
10 bobbins for Bernina sewing machines Artista, Aurora, B580
10 Spulen Umlaufgreifer Pfaff Dualmatic,varimatic,Tipmatic,Creative
25 Spulen für Pfaff und Gritzner Nähmaschinen mit Doppelumlaufgreifer
10 spools for PFAFF - Expression, Creative, performance
10 bobbins for Husqvarna Scandinavia, Freesia, Romeo, Rosa, Lilly. 10
25 bobbins for BROTHER Innov-is sewing machines + box
25 spool rotary grippers Pfaff Dualmatic, varimatic, Tipmatic, Creative
Coils for Toyota 9000 series plastic & for EZ-One
Bobbins for BROTHER Innov-is sewing machines
Spool for Dürkopp sewing machines 245, 249, 238
Spool for Pfaff Industrie sewing machine 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146
Aluminum reel double rotary gripper for almost all Pfaff machines
Spools for Janome, Bernette, Brother, Pfaff Ambition, AEG, Singer
Spools for Ideal, Privileg 430,450,480, Topstar, Anker, Husqvarna
Coils for HUSQVARNA 1050,1070,1090,1250, Orchidea
Spools for HUSQVARNA Viking Sewing Machine Metal Spools # 4011770
Spools for Husqvarna Scandinavia, Freesia, Romeo, Rosa, Lilly.
Spools for Husqvarna Classica, Optima, Prisma, 2000s
Spools for Ideal, Riccar, Quelle, Neumann, Anker zz, Veritas Textima
Spools for Elna sewing machines- Lotus, Star, Stella, Elna Carina Jubilee
Spools for Elna sewing machines - plastic universal with slot
Spools for Futura sewing machines 900,920,2000,1030,1036,2001,2010,2005
Singer Spulen abschraubbar 700 , 720 , 740, 746 ,760 ,766 ,784-
Spulen Singer spools unscrewable 700, 720, 740, 746, 760, 766, 784 - import
Metal pin bobbins for Singer sewing machines such as Harmonie
Spools for almost all Singer metal sewing machines
Spulen für fast alle Singer Nähmaschinen
Spools for Bernina sewing machines 117, 217, 517, 640, 642, 740, 950
Spools for Bernina sewing machines Artista, Aurora, B580
Spools for BERNINA sewing machines such as Activa, Virtuosa, B 550 QE
CB bobbins for all household sewing machines
Spools for PFAFF - Expression, Creative, performance
Spool rotary grippers Pfaff Dualmatic, varimatic, Tipmatic, Creative
Spools for Pfaff and Gritzner sewing machines with double rotary hook 3 parts
Spulen für Pfaff und Gritzner Nähmaschinen mit Doppelumlaufgreifer